Honorary Chair
Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy
Supreme Court of Ohio


Judge Paula C. Giulitto
Portage Co. Domestic Relations Court


Judge John J. Russo
Cuyahoga Co. Common Pleas Court


1st Vice Chair
Judge David A. Hejmanowski
Delaware Co. Probate/Juvenile Court

2nd Vice Chair
Judge Michael D. Hess
Fourth District Court of Appeals


Immediate Past Chair
Judge Joyce A. Campbell
Fairfield Municipal Court


OJC Staff

Paul Pfeifer, Executive Director

419-563-4966 (cell)

614-387-9762 (office)


Aleta Burns, Fiscal/HR Officer


Justin Long, Legislative Services Specialist


Marta Mudri, Legislative Counsel

Shawn Welch, Deputy Legislative Counsel


Jennifer Whetstone, Judicial Services Program Manager



Josh Williams, Deputy Legislative Counsel



Trina Bennington, Judicial Services Program Manager





By statute, all Ohio judges are members of the Judicial Conference.  Every judicial officeholder of the State of Ohio shall be an active member of the Ohio Judicial Conference upon enrolling the name of the officeholder and successors with the secretary and paying the annual membership dues fixed by the Ohio Judicial Conference. Each active member shall be entitled to cast one vote on all matters properly submitted to the members for action at any meeting of the members.

For this purpose, the office of the Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Ohio and the Executive Director of the Ohio Judicial Conference shall be considered judicial officeholders.

In addition, the Supreme Court of Ohio, the Courts of Appeals of Ohio, the Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association, the Ohio Association of Probate Court Judges, the Ohio Association of Juvenile Court Judges, the Ohio Association of Domestic Relations Judges, and the Association of Municipal-County Judges of Ohio, Inc., shall be active member associations of the Ohio Judicial Conference.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets quarterly to establish Judicial Conference policy, to receive updates and consider recommendations from Judicial Conference committees, to review and make recommendations with regard to the work of Judicial Conference staff, and to adopt resolutions that express judicial consensus. All of the powers of the Ohio Judicial Conference, subject to the limitations of law, are exercised, controlled and conducted by the Executive Committee as they, in their absolute discretion may deem proper, to carry out and further the purposes for which the Ohio Judicial Conference is formed.

The Executive Committee is comprised of approximately 50 judges.  The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the Judicial Conference; the chairs of the committees of the Judicial Conference; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio; the Chief Judge and the Chief Judge-elect of the Courts of Appeals of Ohio; the presiding officer and the presiding officer-elect of each member judicial association; the Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Ohio; and the Executive Director of the Ohio Judicial Conference.


The Officers of the Judicial Conference include a Chair; a Chair-elect; a First Vice-Chair; a Second Vice-Chair; an Immediate Past Chair; a Secretary, who shall be the Executive Director of the Judicial Conference; and a Treasurer, who shall be the Executive Director of the Judicial Conference, or such other person as is elected by the Executive Committee.  In addition, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio serves as Honorary Chair.  All officers shall be active members of the Ohio Judicial Conference.

The Officers meet regularly to carry out and further the purposes for which the Ohio Judicial Conference was formed pursuant to the control and direction of the Executive Committee.