Appellate Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Craig R. Baldwin and Judge Michelle J. Sheehan
The Appellate Law & Procedure Committee analyzes pending legislation with a judicial impact on laws regarding appeals, appeals courts and appellate procedure and reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules of Appellate Procedure, and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Josh Williams, Email, 614-387-9767
Civil Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge David M. Gormley and Judge Gene A. Zmuda
The Civil Law & Procedure Committee analyzes pending legislation with a judicial impact on civil laws and procedures and reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges with civil jurisdiction. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure, and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Marta Mudri, Email, or 614-387-9764
Community Corrections Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Christen Finley and Judge Howard Harcha, III
The Community Corrections committee provides a judicial perspective and advice on legislation and innovation in the field of Community Corrections. The committee reviews community corrections programs, policies and proposals, makes recommendations to the judiciary and provides input as needed into the planning of various workshops, trainings and forums for judges, and court personnel on the subject of community corrections, jails, sentencing alternatives or other related topics.
OJC Liaison: Marta Mudri, Email, or 614-387-9764
Court Administration Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Michael P. Shaughnessy and Judge James A. Shriver
The Court Administration Committee reviews issues and proposals on the subject of general court administration and court reform. This includes facilitating efficient court operations. The committee analyzes pending legislation with an impact on court administration. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules of Practice, and Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Josh Williams, Email, or 614-387-9767
Court Technology Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Andrew Ballard and Judge George P. McCarthy
The Court Technology committee explores new developments in court technology and policies related to it, and serves as a resource to help Ohio judges effectively use technology. Some judges on this committee are seeking solutions to operation or administration problems through computer technologies. Other judges on this committee have a personal interest in computers and have successfully applied technology in their personal and professional lives. No technical knowledge or experience is expected of judges who join this committee.
OJC Liaison: Jennifer Whetstone, Email, or 614-387-9766
Criminal Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Brian F. Hagan and Judge Cynthia Westcott Rice
The Criminal Law & Procedure Committee analyzes pending legislation with a judicial impact on criminal laws and procedures and reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure, and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Josh Williams, Email, or 614-387-9767
Domestic Relations Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Diane Palos and Judge Matt C. Staley
The Domestic Relations Law & Procedure Committee reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges with domestic relations jurisdiction and analyzes pending legislation with judicial impact on family laws and procedures. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules concerning Domestic Relations practice and procedure and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Shawn Welch, Email, or 614-387-9765
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee meets quarterly to establish Judicial Conference policy, to receive updates and consider recommendations from Judicial Conference committees, to review and make recommendations with regard to the work of Judicial Conference staff, and to adopt resolutions that express judicial consensus. All of the powers of the Ohio Judicial Conference, subject to the limitations of law, are exercised, controlled and conducted by the Executive Committee as they, in their absolute discretion may deem proper, to carry out and further the purposes for which the Ohio Judicial Conference is formed.
The Executive Committee is comprised of 40-50 judges. The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the Judicial Conference; the chairs of the committees of the Judicial Conference; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio; the Chief Judge and the Chief Judge-elect of the Courts of Appeals of Ohio; the presiding officer and the presiding officer-elect of each member judicial association; the Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Ohio; and the Executive Director of the Ohio Judicial Conference.
OJC Liaison: Justice Paul E. Pfeifer, Retired, Email, or 614-387-9750
Innovative Speciality Courts Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Taryn L. Heath and Judge Jeannine N. Pratt
The Innovative Speciality Courts Committee exchanges ideas, discusses issues and recommends policies related to the operation and administration of Ohio courts with specialty dockets (mental health courts, drug courts, re-entry courts, etc.). The Innovative Speciality Courts Committee is working to identify additional resources available to these courts and to develop a procedural framework in order to facilitate the continued operation of these dockets.
OJC Liaison: Marta Mudri, Email, or 614-387-9764
Judicial Education Committee
Chair: Judge Carla J. Baldwin
The Judicial Education Committee works with the Executive Committee, judicial association presidents, the Judicial College, and the Judicial Conference staff to develop, organize, and present the Annual Meeting Education Program. The Committee develops educational programs consistent with Judicial College criteria so that attending judges can earn Judicial College credit for participating in high quality education programs.
OJC Liaison: Jennifer Whetstone, Email, or 614-387-9766
Judicial Ethics & Professionalism Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge John M. Durkin and Judge Deirdre E. Logan
The Judicial Ethics & Professionalism Committee reviews the ethical guidelines that govern judges, advocates for improvements in those guidelines, and serves as a resource to help judges resolve problems that concern those guidelines and judicial ethics more broadly. The Judicial Ethics Committee includes the Judicial Advisory Group (JAG).
OJC Liaison: Justin Long, Email, or 614-387-9756
Judicial Officers & Organization Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Beth W. Cappelli and Judge Timothy N. O'Connell
The Judicial Officers & Organization Committee reviews legislation, rules, and other matters pertaining to the organization of the various courts of Ohio and the judicial officers that support them. Organizational matters include court boundaries and geographical jurisdictions, as well as consolidation and creation of judgeships and court divisions. Matters pertaining to the officers of the judiciary include policies and statutes relating to visiting/acting judges, magistrates, clerks, and other court personnel, as well as the qualifications and campaign/candidacy requirements for judges, judicial candidates, and other judicial officers. This committee was formerly the Magistrates Committee but has been expanded to include related topics.
OJC Liaison: Joshua Williams, Email, or 614-387-9757
Jury Instructions Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Patrick Carroll, Retired and Judge Mary Jane Trapp, Retired
The Ohio Jury Instructions (OJI) Committee drafts Ohio Jury Instructions for newly enacted legislation and updates existing instructions as needed and required by intervening legal opinions or events. Membership is limited to the OJI editorial team.
OJC Liaison: Jennifer Whetstone, Email, or 614-387-9765
Jury Service Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Matthew Reger and Judge James E. Stevenson, Retired
The Jury Service Committee examines all aspects of jury service and makes recommendations for the proper and efficient functioning of the jury system. In addition, the committee considers efforts to diversify the jury pool, methods to make jury service less of a burden on citizens, and ways to involve juries more actively in the trial process. Current projects include examining the Jury Service Standards and making recommendations for improvement. Pending legislative proposals deal with juror privacy issues, jury costs and modernization of the Ohio Revised Code provisions dealing with juries, jurors, and jury trials.
OJC Liaison: Marta Mudri, Email, or 614-387-9764
Juvenile Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Luann Cooperrider and Judge James A. Shriver
The Juvenile Law & Procedure Committee analyzes pending legislation with a judicial impact on juvenile laws and procedures and reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges with juvenile jurisdiction. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Rules of Juvenile Procedure, and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Shawn Welch, Email, or 614-387-9765
Legislative Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Paula Giulitto and Judge John R. Willamowski
The Legislative Committee meets approximately six times each year with the Judicial Conference Legislative Activities staff. Most meetings are also attended by the legislative counsel of each judicial association, the legislative staff of the Supreme Court, and the legislative staff of the Ohio State Bar Association. The major responsibilities of the Legislative Committee include:
To advise the Judicial Conference staff and the Judicial Conference committees as they evaluate the judicial impact of legislation and respond to inquiries from legislators and others regarding judges and courts.
To plan and organize legislative panels at the Judicial Conference Annual Meeting each September.
To plan and publish Bill Board.
To plan and organize the Judicial-Legislative Exchange Program.
To plan and prepare the Legislators' Guide to the Judicial Branch.
To make presentations before key House and Senate committees regarding the Judicial Conference and the services it provides to the General Assembly.
To plan and attend any "meet and greet" events for legislators or their staff.
To assist the Judicial Conference officers and the Executive Director in any communications with the General Assembly, including budget negotiations.
OJC Liaison: Marta Mudri, Email, or 614-387-9764
Probate Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Laura J. Gallagher and Judge Jack R. Puffenberger
The Probate Law & Procedure Committee reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges with probate jurisdiction and analyzes pending legislation with a judicial impact on probate laws and procedures. It also makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Rules concerning probate practice and procedure and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Shawn Welch, Email, or 614-387-9765
Public Confidence and Community Outreach Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Eugene A. Lucci and Judge Brendan Sheehan
The Public Confidence and Community Outreach Committee promotes activities that instill public confidence in the Ohio judiciary by helping judges educate the general public about the function and operation of the state's judicial system.
OJC Liaison: Justin Long, Email, or 614-387-9756
Retired Judges Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Mel Kemmer, Retired and Judge David A. Rodabaugh, Retired
The Retired Judges Committee reviews and makes recommendations on issues faced by retired judges. A number of areas are within the committee's purview, including Ohio Public Employment Retirement System (OPERS) generally and, specifically, the ongoing viability of the OPERS Health Care Trust Fund, educational programming, and issues relative to retired judges sitting by assignment, and volunteer roles for retired judges.
OJC Liaison: Jennifer Whetstone, Email, or 614-387-9766
Traffic Law & Procedure Committee
Co-Chairs: Judge Carla J. Baldwin and Judge Terri Stupica
The Traffic Law & Procedure Committee analyzes pending legislation with a judicial impact on traffic laws and procedures and reviews issues and proposals of relevance to judges. It makes recommendations to improve the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Traffic Rules, and relevant Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence.
OJC Liaison: Josh Williams, Email, or 614-387-9767